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Dale's Dive Shop
Dales Dive Shop offers half day guided or unguided diving and fishing trips of the well known diving area La Bufadora. Call or email to Dale in advance. Note it costs more for fewer divers in a boat, so it is clever to see if another group is known to be coming down.

No need to bring tanks, they just take up room, unless you just must have your high pressure steel tank. You can rent most anything there except lights or computers. If you camp, a guy will come to collect the $5/day/car and give you a receipt.
There are no motels in La Bufadora. Ask about renting a villa from Dale. There is a low cost resort a few minutes back up the road, billboard at the first speedbump you meet. Dale has 3 boats and can take out 26 divers at a time. At 8 people, you can justify reserving the bunkhouse, which makes everything easier. The cost for a dive trip is around $30 per person, which includes parking, tips, breakfasts, firewood, equipment and breakfast, which is eggs, ham, muffins, oatmeal, juice, coffee, pastry, & pancakes. Dale's Dive Shop offers the following services: Pangas, Diving Gear Rental, Accomodations, Bunkhouse, Whale Watching, Scuba, Snorkel, Diving in Groups, Kayak rental, Fishing expeditions.
- Location: Dales Dive Shop is located about 3 hours from San Diego, just south of Ensenada.
- Reservations: (From US, first dial 011-52) Area code (646) 24 Hrs You can call Dale at Cell 109-63-18 Or Dale Jr. Cell at 131-12-32 Available Between 7A.M. till 7 P.M. Home Phone # 154-2092
- Website: www.labufadoradive.com

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