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Mexico Auto Insurance Accident Procedures

What to Do After an Accident in Mexico
Remain calm, stop your vehicle if it is clear, safe and legal. Turn off the ignition of the cars involved, and make a first aid check of all persons involved in the accident. Contact Emergency response Hotline at 066, this is the equivalent to 911 in US.
Report the accident before leaving Mexico to HDI Seguros,
01 800 019 6000 from Mexican phone
1 888 212 7642 From a U.S. cell phone
Available 24/7, Bilingual representatives
- When reporting to HDI Seguros, give them your name, policy number and exact location
- Remain on the claim scene and / or with the involved person, unless authorities instruct you to do so, if the vehicle is moved from the scene of the accident, you must inform the insurance company of the new location
- Wait for the adjuster. Do not admit responsibility or make arrangements
- Do not make any payments.
- In case of total theft of the vehicle, you will receive information of the following steps.
Important - Do not leave the vehicle unattended since the insurance policy does not cover partial theft of parts, unless you purchased optional coverage. If the vehicle is moved from the scene of the accident, you must inform the Mexico Auto Insurance company of the new location.
When the adjuster arrives, you will be asked for the following documents:
- Mexico Auto Insurance policy
- A valid driver's license
- Vehicle Permit (If Applicable)
You will be asked to complete an accident report. Please do so since failure to do that may result in rejection of the claim. You have the right to ask for an attorney while at the police station. If you feel you may need an attorney, discuss this with the HDI Seguros representative.
Once you are Back Home
Upon your return to the US and after the claim has been reported to the company in Mexico, you can get the status of your claim by contacting your International Claims Service at 1.800.284.9783
Failure to report a claim before leaving Mexico, may result in your claim being denied. To Report a Claim Contact your Mexico Insurance Provider at the Numbers Provided Above
Disclaimer - The following information is provided as a general and informative summary of benefits, and should not be considered legal advice or your sole source of information. Mexbound.com assumes no liability for any reliance on information provided. Laws and policies change. For full legal description of benefits and exclusions consult the terms and conditions of the contract. No attorney or client relationship is intended or created by this information.
Source: HDI Seguros Claims Procedures